Nosed & Decked - Chopped & Dropped
I headed to Roxanne’s Bar in Long Beach for the Nosed & Decked Chopped & Dropped car show on Saturday morning.
Nosed & Decked - Chopped & Dropped
Saturday was a blast for this year’s Chopped & Dropped put on by Nosed & Decked at Roxannes Bar in Long Beach. Now I may be a little bias as Wade, owner of Nosed & Decked, is a great friend but I can’t deny that for the second show it was a great turnout and a whole lot of fun.
Nosed and Decked Chopped and Dropped Party
Nosed and Decked along with Roxanne’s Bar in Long Beach put on the Chopped and Dropped Party and it was a blast. Customs came from as far as the San Diego area. The parking lots and streets were filled with so many cool cars and the bar was filled with friends old and new.