Ruby's Cruise Night - 6/14/13
On Friday nights between May and November, Ruby's Diner in Whittier hosts a killer cruise night, and each weekend the parking lot is filled with beautiful classic cars...You know we're suckers for a clean little Nova, and this one was no exception, particularly as it came with much of the original paperwork...
Fascinated by the lore of hood ornaments like we are? If so, be sure to check out this post on the incredible hood ornaments from the Automobile Driving Museum.
If you love a good split fin like the ones on this Pontiac, be sure to check out the fins on the second version of the Golden Sahara.
The unexpected feature on this clean lined Polara was the battery located in the trunk, which helped with weight distribution.
Classic and fierce, this Belvedere was vintage perfection, complete with a Hemi under the hood.
This summer, be sure to add the Friday night cruise at Ruby's in Whittier to your calendar. The quality and variety of classic cars - combined with friendly and enthusiastic owners eager to swap stories - make for a great start to weekend!Stay tuned this week as we bring you highlights from this year's L.A. Roadster Show!